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​Dřevostroj Čkyně, a.s., company ID: 45021112, with registered office at Spůle 25, 384 81 Čkyně, sp. stamp B 480 held at the Regional Court in České Budějovice (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") introduced in accordance with Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2019 on the protection of persons who report violations of Union law and the law No. 171/2023 Coll., on the protection of whistleblowers (hereinafter referred to as the "Law on the Protection of Whistleblowers") an internal reporting system that is used to report possible illegal acts that have occurred or are expected to occur in connection with our Company.

The internal reporting system is a collection of procedures and tools that serve to receive reports, deal with them, protect the identity of the reporter and other persons, protect the information provided in the report and communicate with the reporter. The system is technically and organizationally set up in such a way that the whistleblower's identity cannot be revealed. Only the relevant person, who is bound by confidentiality and is obliged to maintain the confidentiality of the content of the submission during the investigation of the complaint and after the end of his employment, has the right to become familiar with the content of the notification and the identity of the whistleblower. The whistleblower is also protected from retaliation.



Notification means a notification by a natural person containing information about a possible illegal act that has occurred or is to occur with the Company as a person for whom the notifier, even if indirectly, performed or is performing work or another similar activity, or with a person with whom the notifier was or is in contact in connection with the performance of work or other similar activities, and which has the following characteristics.

The notification must at least contain information about the name, surname and date of birth, or other information from which the identity of the notifier can be deduced, unless the identity of the notifier is known to the person responsible for receiving notifications and assessing their reasonableness. It also contains information about possible illegal actions, as mentioned above. At the same time, it is expedient to provide the phone number or email through which the relevant person will communicate with you.



Through the Company's internal notification system, a notification containing information about a possible illegal act can be filed, which has a) features of a criminal offense, or b) features of a misdemeanor, for which the law provides for a fine rate, the upper limit of which is at least CZK 100,000, or c) violates the Act on the Protection of Whistleblowers, or d) violates another legal regulation or regulation of the European Union in the area of:

financial services, statutory audit and other verification services, financial products and financial markets,

corporate income taxes,

preventing the legalization of the proceeds of crime and the financing of terrorism,

consumer protection,

compliance with product requirements, including their safety,

traffic safety, transport and road traffic,

environmental protection,

food and feed safety and the protection of animals and their health,

radiation protection and nuclear safety,

economic competition, public auctions and public procurement,

protection of internal order and security, life and health,

protection of personal data, privacy and security of electronic communications networks and information systems,

protection of the financial interests of the European Union, or

the functioning of the internal market, including the protection of economic competition and state aid according to European Union law.



A whistleblower can be any natural person who performs or has performed work or other similar activities for the Company and who, in connection with work or other similar activities for the Company, has become aware of illegal conduct.

It can therefore be, for example, an employee who performs work for the Company in an employment relationship or on the basis of an employment agreement or an agreement on the execution of work; former employee of the Company, applicant for employment with the Company; Self-employed, intern, person who either directly or indirectly performs or has performed external supplier activities for the company on the basis of a contract, the subject of which is the provision of supplies, services, construction works or other similar performance, etc.


Therefore, it is not important whether the whistleblower is still performing the above-mentioned job or similar activity at the time of filing the notification, or whether he performed it in the past, or whether he only applied for the given job or similar activity and became aware of a possible illegal act as part of this process.


Work or other similar activity is defined in § 2 paragraphs 3 and 4 of the Whistleblower Protection Act.



Through the internal reporting system, whistleblowers have the opportunity to submit their reports in writing, orally and, upon agreement, also in person. Notifications are given to the appropriate person.


Notification of a possible illegal act can be made to any of the relevant persons through the following notification channels:


Written notification:

electronically to the email address:

in writing in paper form in a sealed envelope and with o

by marking "EXCLUSIVELY AT THE HANDS of Mr. Pavla Jirků /or/ Ms. Jana Tejkalová" to the address Hrnčíře 2, 584 01 Ledeč nad Sázavou

Verbal notification:

by phone at the phone number +420 731439581 Mr. Pavle Jirků and at the phone number
+420 731439580 Ms. Jana Tejkalová (a written record is being made of the interview)

in person after prior telephone or email agreement with the relevant person (notification will be received in person within a reasonable period of time, but within 14 days at the latest)


Two relevant persons in the Company are designated as the competent person for receiving notifications and for performing other tasks according to the Act on the Protection of Whistleblowers:


Mr. Pavle Jirků
phone number: +420 731439581

Mr. Jana Tejkalová:
phone number: +420 731439580

Contact address: Hrnčíře 2, 584 01 Ledeč nad Sázavou
Email address:

A written record is made of the oral presentation, which captures the content of the notification. The whistleblower has the right to comment on the record, and if he does so, the relevant person will attach this statement to the record. If the notifier decides to submit the notification in writing, he can send the notification to the above-mentioned email address, where both relevant persons can familiarize themselves with the notification, the same applies to the telephone connection.


If the notification is directed at the person of one of the relevant persons or it is not suitable for any other reason for any of the relevant persons to become familiar with it, then the notification needs to be submitted to the other relevant person (in writing by post, by telephone). This will prevent a situation where the person against whom the notification is made could become aware of this notification.




The Company does not exclude receiving notifications from persons who do not or have not performed work or other similar activities for our Company in accordance with the provisions
§ 2 paragraph 3 letter a), b), h) or i) of the Whistleblower Protection Act. The company therefore accepts notifications from persons other than its own employees, interns/interns, volunteers.

As part of the Company's internal notification system, the appropriate person will deal with and properly investigate a notification that lacks this information (anonymous notification), however not in the regime of the Act. In such a case, the whistleblower will be protected against retaliation as soon as his identity is revealed. However, the notification must at least include information about the illegal act.



The notifier must have legitimate reasons to believe that the information reported by him about a possible illegal act is true at the time of notification.

If it is found that a knowingly false report has been filed, the whistleblower is not protected from retaliation and the whistleblower is also liable for the offense of knowingly false reporting under the Whistleblower Protection Act. A fine of up to CZK 50,000 can be imposed for this offence. At the same time, you may also be liable for submitting a false report under other legal regulations.



The notifier can also submit a notification through the external (external) notification system of the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic, at

Further details regarding the submission and processing of notifications submitted through the external notification system of the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic are available at:



The relevant person shall notify the notifier in writing of the receipt of the notification within 7 days from the date of receipt of the notification (unless the notifier has expressly requested not to be notified or the notification would reveal the identity of the notifier).

Within 30 days from the date of receipt of the notification, the relevant person must assess the validity of the notification and inform the notifier of its result. In factually or legally complex cases, this period can be extended by up to 30 days, but no more than twice.

If the notification is found to be justified, the relevant person will propose measures to the employer to prevent and correct the illegal situation. The notifier shall be notified in writing of the measure taken.

If the relevant person comes to the conclusion that it is not a notification according to the Act on the Protection of Whistleblowers, he will notify the whistleblower in writing without undue delay.


Information on the processing of personal data in connection with the management of the internal notification system and the submission of notifications and other detailed information can be found in the internal regulations of our Company here:

You can find the Whistleblower Protection Act in the Collection of Laws.

Dřevostroj, a.s.

Spůle 25, 384 81 Čkyně +420 388 407 111

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